The following definitions shall apply in a Law on Child Protection (Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 Year 2002) :
- A Child, shall mean a person under eighteen (18) years of age, including the unborn.
- Protection of Children, shall mean all activities designed to guarantee and protect children and their rights so that they may live, grow, develop and participate optimally in society in accordance with the dignity to which they are entitled as human beings, and so that they may be protected against violence and discrimination.
- Family, shall mean the smallest unit in society and shall consist of a husband and wife, or husband, wife and child, or father and child, or mother and child, or a family consisting of bllods relations in a straight line up to the third degree.
- Parent, shall mean a natural father and/or mother, or stepfather and/or mother, or adoptive father and/or mother.
- Guardian, shall mean a person or body that acts in loco parentis of child.
- Neglected/Abandoned Child, shall mean a child whose reasonable needs, wheter physical, mental, spiritual or social, are not fulfilled.
- Disabled Child, shall mean a child who suffers from a physical or mental disability that interferes with his normal growth and development.
- Gifted Child, shall mean a child that is blessed with exceptional intelligence, potential or gifts.
- Adopted Child, shall mean a child over whom rights have been assigned by his parents, lawful guardians, or such other persons as may have responsibility in respect of his unkeep, education and upbringing to adoptive parents pursuant to a decision or ruling of the court.
- Foster Child, shall mean a child who has been placed in foster care with an individual or institution for the purpose of guidance, upkeep, education, and healthcare due to the fact that one or both of his parents are unable to guarantee his proper development and growth.
- Parental Rights, shall mean the rights of a child's parents to care for, educate, maintain, develop, protect and ensure the growth and development of a child in accordance with his religion, talents and interests.
- Rights of Children, shall mean those human rights pertaining of children that must be guaranteed, protected and complied with by parents, families, the goverment and the state.
- Society, shall mean individuals, families, groups and charitable and/or community organizations.
- Counselor, shall mean a social worker who has professional competence in his respective field.
- Special Protection, shall mean protection of children in emergency situations, children who find themselves in contact with the law, children from minority and isolated groups, children being economically or sexually exploited, child victims of the misuse of narcotics, alcohol, phychotropic substances and other addictive substances, child victims of kidnapping, sale and trading, child victims of physical, sexual and/or mental violence, disabled children, child victims of abuse, and neglected/abandones children.
- Person, shall mean an individual person or body corporate.
- Government, shall mean both the central and local governments.
The Child Protection Law is based on the four principles of the CRC :
- Non discrimination
- The best interests of child
- The right to life, survival and development
- The rights to participation
In this law, states the Government, legal enfources, the community, family, and parents are the responsible parties for the protection of children, and part of stregth of the law comes from the inclusion os specific sanctions against violators of children's rights.
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