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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Child Protection

Children represent the future of the nation and constitute the generation that will take over the mantle of advancing the hopes of the nation. Thus, every child is entitled to live, grow and develop, to participate in society, to be protected from violance and discrimination, and to have his/her rights and liberties upheld.Law Number 23 Year 2002 on Child Protection that is capable of providing a juridical basis for the fulfillment of such obligations and responsibilities. The provisions of this Law have been based upon the consideration that the protection of children, in all its aspect, forms part and parcel of the national development effort, particularly as regards the advancement of national and state life.

For those, parents, the family, the teachers, and the community are all responsible for protecting and upholding the rights referred to above in accordance with the obligations that have been respectively placed upon them by law. In addition, the state and the government are also responsible for providing facilities and access to children so as to ensure their optimum growth and development.

Responsibilities of parents, the family, the teachers, the community, the government and the state take the form of series of activities that must be undertaken on an ongoing basis so as to ensure the protection of children's rights. These activities must sustained and be directed at ensuring the proper physical, mental, spiritual and social growth and developmnet of children. All this necessary soa as to ensure the best possible life for child as potential leader of the nation, and to make sure that he grows up to be reselient, imbued with the spirit of patriotism and the values of Pancasila, and is of good moral character, as well as being determined to uphold the unity and integrity of the nations and state.

The efforts toprotect children need to be undertaken as early as possible, that is to say, from the time the child is still in the womb, and must continue the child reaches the age maturity (18 years). Based upon the overall and comprehensive protection of children, this law assigns the obligation to protect children in accordance with the following principes :

  • Non Discrimination

  • The best interests of the child

  • The rights to life, continuity of life, and development

  • Respect for the opinions of child

In encouraging the development and protection of children, the community must be afforded a role through the efforts undertaken by child protection institutions, religious institutions, non-governmental organizations, community organizations, charitable organizations, business, the mass media and educational institusions (the teachers).

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